Divorce in Morocco
Divorce in Morocco
Did you know that after a divorce in Belgium or the Netherlands, you still need to have your divorce recognized in Morocco? Sahli Translation & Mediation can provide full assistance with this process.
How do we proceed?
First, we check if your divorce in Belgium/Netherlands is finalized. Do you have the Non-Appeal statement/divorce decree? This document must show that your divorce is final. Once these documents are available, we take care of translating them into Arabic, and then we provide the necessary legalizations and apostilles. We then hand these documents over to the lawyer in Morocco with whom we collaborate. He/She requests the confirmation of your divorce at the Family Court of the bar to which they are affiliated.
What documents do we need?
- The complete divorce judgment from the court. This must be signed by the president of the family court that issued the judgment.
- The declaration of non-appeal. In some cases, this declaration is stamped on the last page of your judgment.
- In some cases, we also request the registration of your divorce at the municipality. This can be requested via the Civil Registry (DABS) online portal.
- In some cases, we also need your Belgian/Dutch marriage certificate if your marriage is not recognized in Morocco.
How long does this procedure take?
This depends on several factors: how quickly we obtain the necessary documents, how long the translation takes, when the translations are legalized, and the rest depends on the court in Morocco. We aim to complete everything as quickly as possible for you.
Were you divorced in Belgium or the Netherlands? Do you want to register your divorce in Morocco? At Sahli Translation & Mediation, we can take care of the entire divorce procedure in Morocco for you.
Send us your documents, and we will provide you with a free quote as soon as possible.
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